Obama or Nobama. McCain or McCan't. It won't really matter in the end, I promise you this.
Sure, we have our preferences. We all (undecideds notwithstanding) have who we would be more comfortable being President. The results of the election will surely affect our well-being over the next four (or eight) years. But ultimately, we'll move on. We've endured a civil war, the alienation of rights to certain minority people groups, and an economic blackout (I'm
referencing the Great Depression - it's nowhere near that bad now, get real); and look how far we have come since that time. We'll do it again. I promise.
But what I really want - what would be reeeeally great - is if, whoever wins, we could all just get along again.
I'm sick of people being rude to neighbors just because they don't share a political affiliation. I'm appalled by fights being started over proposition 712123 and amendment Z. I'm sick of my country, the most peaceful country in the world, looking like Cuba or some other political warzone. You get your chance to speak your mind on Tuesday. Use it, accept the results, and then shut up about it. Agree to disagree, and move forward.
Love your neighbor - whether he wears a blue tie or a red tie. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you - whether he has a "A vote for Prop 8 is a vote against fags!" sign in his yard or if he has the equality bumper sticker plastered all around the neighborhood. Give a smile to a passerby - and don't judge him by his private ballot over his character.
I'm not saying you shouldn't have your political opinions. I'm not even saying you shouldn't be extremely passionate about those opinions. But when you start hating people because they don't share your views, and then start persecuting them for those beliefs... That's not any America I love. That's the tumultuous middle east. It's the former USSR. It's the former Iraq. It's Darfur. Not my country.
I can't wait until we're all Americans again. I can't wait until November 5.
The sun will still rise on Wednesday.
1 comment:
I love the Divided We Fail idea, well that is to say, I agree that unless we can get ourselves together and rally behind our country, we will fail.
Crossing my fingers!
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