Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sorry, Dr. Blog...

Dear Dr. Blog,

I know I've been avoiding you. It's really busy this time of year. Proctoring finals, taking my own finals, writing paper after paper (in APA style that I apparently know nothing about). Did you know only one space goes after a sentence, not two like we were taught in typing class? I'm sure you knew that. You're a piece of literary wonder, after all. Why shouldn't you know that? (Notice me practicing. ONE space. Resist the urge to double-space-bar...)

In any event, I hope my readers (all three of them) are ready for my next blog. It's going to be really b*tchy. No, don't get excited. I said b*tchy, not b*tchING. It really won't be all that thrilling. Just something I need to get off my chest. The topic? Well, I won't give away the whole topic, but I will share one detail. One of the pieces of evidence to support my next hypothesis: Fred Phelps. Anger ensues. I can see you react with rage at the sound of his name. ("And tell me, how does that make you feeeeeel.") Should be an exciting topic, eh?

The only question is, should it be a video-blog or type-script? Now before you answer, I know six-minute video blogs are difficult to watch. I don't have time to poop most days - who has time to watch someone rant about music or genetic material for six minutes? The same goes for three-page-long typed blogs. They're just too long. I receive feedback well, and I am working on this. Trust.

That being said, I want to leave this choice up to you, Dr. Blog. Video or written-word? Your choice.

Please let me know ASAP. Actually, take your time. In fact, this whole letter ploy is really just an attempt to buy me more time to write this paper. But I didn't want to leave you lonely. You are loved.

Oh, and if you want to grade these exams for me, that'd be super.


Dr. K.

1 comment:

Justin Scott said...

how about a combo video and written entry. think CNN scroll bar meets blog. I'd say that'd be hawt!